Published Literature

  • Validate Mixing
  • Cross-Contamination Testing
  • Selenium in Formula Feeds
  • Sterilization of Contaminated Water
B-3. Press Release of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, October 11, 2007: “Revised ASABE Standard Available on Testing of Animal Feed Mixing Equipment” references the use of colored iron particles and colored iron powder for these purposes
B-6. “Particle Size and Mixing Problems for Aquatic Feeds”, Dr. Sylvan Eisenberg and David Eisenberg, Feed Manufacturing, Technology IV, AFIA, 1994
B-9. “How Well is Your Mixer Performing?”, Wicker and Poole, Degussa Corporation, Feed Management, November 1991
“How Well is Your Mixer Performing?”, Wicker and Poole, Degussa Corporation, Feed Management, November 1991
B-10. “Comparison of Homogeneity Tests”, Buhler Brothers, Uzwil, Switzerland, Feed International, March 1984
B-11. “Criteria for Evaluating Feed Mixer Performance”, Pfost and Headley, Feedstuffs, KansasStateUniversity, 1966
B-12 Evaluation of the Use of MicrotracersTM in a Proficiency Testing Program, 2019
B-13 The Application of Statistical Methods of Quality Management by GMP+ Standars Using Ferromagnetic Microtracers, 2018
B-14 Assessing The Quality Of Homogeneity Of Pet Food Using Ferromagnetic Microtracers 2020
B-15 GMP+ Examples of Methods for Measuring Carry-Over and Homogenity 2021
C-1. “On the Cross Contamination Marks”, Special Report No. 67, Tecaliman, France, March 2010
C-2. GMP+ Certification Scheme for the Feed Sector, Checking Procedure for the Process Accuracy of Compound Feeds with Microtracers®, Holland, 2006
C-4. Measuring Cross-Contamination in Feed Manufacturing, Yanne Boloh with Clayton Gill
C-6. “The Use of Colored Iron Particles in Determining Cross Contamination of Medicated Feeds at Feedmills and Feed Premix Plants”, David Eisenberg, Presented at AOAC Forum on “Methods for Analysis of Antibiotics and Drugs in Feeds”, Los Angeles, September 2002; Published in Zootechnica International, March 2003
C-7. “The Use of Colored Uniformly Sized Iron Particles (Microtracers®) in Testing the Presence and Uniformity of a Feed Ingredient (Vitamin E) in the Diet”, Large Animals Review, Bagliacci M., Paci G., Marzoni M. and Lisi E., University of Pisa, Italy, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2002 (in Italian)
“The Use of Colored Uniformly Sized Iron Particles (Microtracers®) in Testing the Presence and Uniformity of a Feed Ingredient (Vitamin E) in the Diet”, Large Animals Review, Bagliacci M., Paci G., Marzoni M. and Lisi E., University of Pisa, Italy, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2002 (in Italian)
C-8. “Use of Microtracers® as a Reliable and Inexpensive Tool for Rapid Assessment of Microingredient Distribution in Diets for Feedlot Cattle: Molasses and Forage Level Effects”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society for Animal Science, Vol. 51, 2000; Calderón, Ambrozio, Machado, Meléndrez, Pereira and Zinn; Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali, Mexico, and University of California, Davis, June 2000
C-10. “Use of a Tracer to Detect Poultry Offal Meal in Compound Feed” Unpublished, Irish Department of Agriculture and Food, 1998
C-11. “Effect of Mixing Uniformity on Broiler Chick Performance”, Poultry Science, McCoy, Behnke, Hancock, McEllhiney, March 1994
“Effect of Mixing Uniformity on Broiler Chick Performance”, Poultry Science, McCoy, Behnke, Hancock, McEllhiney, March 1994
C-13. ” Development of a Technique for Fish Feed Digestibility Estimations Using Microtracers®, Thesis of N. M. Kabir, University of Tasmania, Australia, December 1993
C-14. “Micro-Proportioning”, Robert McEllhiney, KansasStateUniversity, Feed International , March 1990
C-15. “Dilution in a Premix”, Robert McEllhiney, KansasStateUniversity, Feed International, July 1983
C-16. “Intermediate Drug Mixing”, Robert McElliney, KansasStateUniversity, Feed Management, June 1982
C-17. “Study of Constant Flow Device”, Gobbles, April 1983, Paul Waibel, University of Minnesota
D-2. “Practical Assay of Feed Premixes for Selenite Adsorbed on Reduced Iron”, Joele Hulen and Dr. Sylvan Eisenberg, Journal of AOAC International, Vol. 78, No. 3, 1995
D-4. Microtracer® 4.5 % Selenium on Sand – Product Data Sheet and Technical Information
D-5. “Stability of Selenium Sources Reviewed”, David Eisenberg, Dr. Nikolay Barashkov, Zachary Eisenberg, Dr. Thomas May, Feedstuffs Magazine – June 18, 2012
D-6. “Relative Stability of Selenites and Selenates in Feed Premixes as a Function of Water Activity”, Dr. Sylvan Eisenberg, Journal of AOAC International Vol. 90 – November 2, 2012,
E-1. “Methods and means for the controlled chlorination of swimming pool water”, Dr. Sylvan Eisenberg, 1949
E-2. “Electrochemical Chlorine-Free AC Disinfection of Water Contaminated with Salmonella Typhimurium Bacteria”, N.N. Barashkov, D. Eisenberg, S. Eisenberg, G. Sh. Shegebaeva, I. S. Irgibaeva, and I.I. Barashkova; Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 306-311, 2010
E-3. "Disinfection of Water used in the Poultry Industry by Combined Advanced Oxidation Processes", Dr Nikolay Barashkov, USDA SBIR Phase -1 grant, 2019
E-4. “Chlorine-free Electrochemical Disinfection of Water Contaminated with Salmonella Typhimurium and E.Coli B”, N.N.Barashkov, D.A.Eisenberg, and I.S. Irgibaeva, It’s All in the Water: Studies of Materials and Conditions in Fresh and Salt Water Bodies, American Chemical Society, Washington DC, 2012
E-5. NIFA Grant: Disinfection of Water used in the Poultry Industry by Combined Advanced Oxidation Processes
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